I wanna fly for FREEDOM. If I could, I'd like move to Kenting and stay for a long time. Unfortunately, I can't. If I have a chance, I don't wanna know him. What should I do ? I still don't know. The clearest thing that I can really understand is that I wanna find a person to accompany me heartily. To tell the reason, it's because of my loneliness. I just can't stand lonely mood in my mind.
ㄎㄎ 跟你說喔 我覺得有點像孔雀開屏 不要把我丟到外太空啊啊啊啊啊XD 老了幾十歲?怎說?
ㄎㄎ 換照片的副作用嗎?
拜託把它放好 看你拿刀我會怕(不信任的眼神。。
真的真的 我會害羞辣 [*)]羞~
ㄎㄎ 檢視大家的英文能力嘛 這是英文 不是拉丁文 因為有些事情說出來會害羞 所以用英文逃避現實~
跟你說 我做的比你詳細唷 但記憶力不好是天生的嘛 而且在背稿 旁邊還有人正在演講 這樣背的順才有鬼。。
噗 看到你說我說錯話 我還以為你是說我英文打錯咧= = 我也有過幾個字啊 加油!!把你的英文實力拉回來吧 今天上課要即席演講 我稿子忘了一句 但是老師跟我聊一點問題也沒有 我果然不適合背東背西 我背了一節課耶 [X-(]
I know not only my roommate, but you gave me so much comforts. Therefore, I am very appreciate to all of you. I promoise I will try my best to make myself happy, so do not worry too much about me, okay? 不會辣,你的英文不愧是高第一畢業的~哈哈:) 用英文寫日記是因為我會害羞>///< 可是 真的超過癮的耶 考慮嘍=] 那那個活動你就只好算嘍XDD
恩 我懂你的意思了 [:D] 好辣 這次真的有感動到 謝謝你:)
I don t know what you re thinking either. Perhaps, I can try.