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篇名: I know a hearta
作者: li 日期: 2012.02.08  天氣:  心情:
I know a heartache when I see one--Jennifer Warnes


Look at through the wind s blowing up the road 看著你在刮風的路上走來
Shining like the northern star 像北極星一般耀眼
Acting like the answer to all my prayers 你表現得如同完全是我的夢中情人
Oh, baby, I know what you really are 但寶貝, 我知道你的真實面目

* So don t you knock on my door 所以別再敲我的門

I won t be home anymore 我不會在家等你
You can find me out walking in the sun 你可以發現走在屋外和煦陽光下的我
Oh, you hide it so well 你隱藏得很好
It isn t easy to tell 不容易分辨
But I know a heartache when I see one 但我一眼就可以看出心痛的人

There was a time I was a true believer 曾經我真心相信
Your love was the only way 你的愛是我的唯一
Well, you can save all your sweet talking for some other fool 你可以收起那些甜言蜜語 說給其他傻瓜聽
Only a fool would believe what you say 只有傻瓜才會相信你的話

(repeat *)

Oh, time is the teacher, it s taught me well 時間是一位老師 它教導我許多
The loser is the one who cries 失敗者就是那個哭泣的人
And when you ve cried like a baby and you ve felt like hell 當你哭得很傷心 感覺非常難過時
You know the devil by the look in his eyes 看看他的眼睛 你就知道什麼是惡魔
(repeat *)
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