Tomorrow is an important day to me. Why? Because I have to participate in the exam tomorrow afternoon. Oooooh my godness!!! I find that I am so scared. Haha. The Internediate-high Grade of GEPT. I think I will be going to die. By the way, when it comes to April 22, it means another test is coming. What?! My Mid-term Exam!! I hope the God can bless me. However, it will be better to count on myself. Gonna studying hard. Bye~
好可怕好可怕←覺得我不會過@@ 誰家要借我躲的? 唉唷XD 我想考托福耶(比TOEIC更有興趣 可是我媽要我先把中高考過再說= = 是說這位大哥你也派久沒出現了吧 ㄎㄎ [:D]
呵呵 考完了(歡呼歡呼~~ [=D] 我可以效法無尾熊嗎?