If I have a chance, I would like to move out from home. What does "HOME" mean? Isn't it the meaning of family? Why can't I feel the warmth there? I don't wanna be imprisioned any longer. I just desire a place to stay and don't have to be bothered by anywhom of my family. I feel too tired to handle it. In a word, there isn't many condition exist in my dream. Being with people and lovely pets I care is the happiest thing to me. =]
哈哈 謝謝 溫暖多了:)
噗噗 沒關係呀 你有來看我我就很開心了:) 謝謝 [=D]
噗(我該苦笑嗎? 還是謝謝你給的心唷=]
嗯哼 謝謝你~ 我會加油的=]
噗 你有看懂文章嗎? 我這篇的內容跟你說的情緒差很多耶XD
喵 走啊走啊 [=D]
噗噗 也許你不懂我的身活背景吧 所以不會懂我的心情的。 但還是謝謝你的關心﹦]
帶我回家~ 是嗎是嗎 [=D]