Emails are the second worse invention in 20th century which is next to credit card. The plastic doesn't bother me that much because I don't spend money if I don't have it. Enjoy now and pay later never works for me. I had 37 incoming emails and 17 outgoing emails today. If I spend 2 minutes to read an email and 3 minutes to reply an email averagely, it will take me 2 hours to finish this task. It takes much longer than 3 minutes to reply an email because you need to check your grammars and perform the spelling check etc. I suppose I live at bottom of the food chain in my work environment, which I shouldn't get that many emails at the beginning. It also explains why I am fat because I suck everybody's waste from top of the food chain. I have both love and hate feeling about my users. I don't have a job without them but some of them had a lobotomy surgery in their childhood.