Freakin unbelievable. I cannot itemize my 2018 tax anymore which means I can only use 1040 EZFORM to report my taxes because Donnie Boy's tax form has a cap to put $10000 as a ceiling for the SALT (State and local tax). I will end of paying more taxes to Uncle Sam if I itemize my taxes.
This is a cruel and usual punishment for the middle-class residents, especially for the liberal states. I guess Trump's thought process is since you guys didn't vote for me so bent over and get fucked.
I just texted my ex mean boss and told her "I guess you haven't done your taxes yet, or you won't say Mr. Trump is the greatest President of US". Well, my ex-boss is a hopeless Trump supporter and she will learn a lesson in a hard way.
People should line up in front of the white House to throw tea bags.