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篇名: Lies,Wars,&West
作者: wayne 日期: 2011.03.29  天氣:  心情:
Forget about Secretary Clinton. No matter how wrong she has been on what actions to take in Libya, she's not the president. She advises and suggests. Obama is the one to decide.

Not only did Obama take the wrong actions, he also lied about why those actions were taken. He's not been honest. Most disappointing. While Bush junior lacked intelligence, Obama has gone back on his words.

By going along with old imperialists like UK and France in bullying a third world country, Obama has betrayed everything he claimed he believed in. Shame, shame, shame!

Isn't Gadhafi a bad guy? But then why single him out and not take military actions against dictators in Saudi Arabia?

To protect civilians? Can't they think of better lies? Why no actions when there were wars and civilian casualties in other countries?

No matter how bad Gadhafi was, is, or has been, he hasn't invaded another country. Who did? US, UK, France, Germany, Russia, Italy...,  all countries that claim to be most "civilized" and peace loving.  And all these developed countries have not yet admitted the crimes they committed before let alone apologize and compensate.

Well, Japan too.
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