上線狀態:    住戶編號:1961896
 wayne 的檔案 瀏覽說明
公寓造型 / 本人照片
交友編號: 1961896  
瀏覽次數: 94211
人氣指數: 105023
友好指數: 68
更新日期: 2022-02-09 01:30
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若與無趣者都停止往來 那你的朋友將所剩無幾 因世上有趣之人是要打著燈籠去找的 但人是社會性動物 若不想太孤立就得多與他人互動 包括無趣之人 ...
秋風起 ...
暱 稱: wayne 性 別: 男生  
年 齡: 92 歲 星 座: 摩羯座
身 高: 171cm(5'8") 血 型: O型
體 重: 70kg(154lbs) 職 業: 其他
感 情: 離婚
  現  居 住: 台灣> 台北市
  家  鄉: 台灣> 花蓮縣 > 花蓮市
  收  入: 10000元以下
  抽  煙: 從來不抽
  飲  酒: 偶爾小酌
  個  性: 獨立的
  信  仰: 基督教
  學  歷: 國中以下
  學  校:
國民小學: 花蓮縣 > 縣立明義國小
  自我介紹 檢舉自介
昏昏入睡後, 藍色的夢, 長出七彩的羽翼, 緩緩飛向遠方...

I may dream a bit, mumble a bit, or be inquisitive or critical a bit. But I m only human. Don t hold that against me.

I have no bad features...but if you insist, my teeth then.

In late 80s, I thought it d be great to be a fund manager, and even dreamed of becoming one. Later I had a slightly different opinion. 有詩為證:

******THE FUND MANAGER******

as Nasdaq continues to decline
you better call up your client
assure him everything is fine
though market isn't exactly flying
shout n scream he probably may
but to him you calmly say
soon as Dow stops its dive one day
the bull market would come back n stay
there ll be tons of money to be made
and your worries would quickly fade
with your profit made and my fees paid
nobody has to jump into a lake

我不愛出門, 他們說我無趣, 不是我無趣, 是外面趣事不多. Believe me, I m no loner, lone wolf, or lone star.

我是一個知識不多的知識份子, 也是一個理想不高的理想主義者.

工作是為生活, 說到興趣, 我真正的興趣是談戀愛.
工作單純人麻煩, 所以也難得談幾次戀愛.


Every once in a while, I d rewrite my self introduction. It s best I post the earlier ones before I forget them all myself.

A fine day, a friend, and a cup of coffee, would make me feel dandy...like a piece of candy.

If you are that lone star out there tonight, then like Norah Jones sings: I think I d give anything...for you to shine down on me.

I have a lot to tell...only if you are interested.

淡淡的 沒什麼味道
但也無需立刻將我 write off
偶而 我還是有趣的

I m in agricultural finance. I grow trees, the second loveliest kind, money trees.

While not tending to trees, I listen to music among other things: pop, rock, bluegrass, country, folk, etc. And classical too. Yeah, I m ancient.

If you are an experienced technical trader, message me. We ll compare notes.

Oh, those who know how to grow sweet heart trees,
please...please let me know.

I like music, from Bach to Brahms, Elvis to Norah Jones, Classical to Country, Rock n Roll to R&B and from 周璇 to 陶喆. I have no bias, but I do have taste when it comes to music. OK, enough bragging.

When I drive, I d listen to Brahms cello sonatas, Chopin s mazurkas, Patsy Cline s "Crazy" and "The Wayward Wind"...or I can t help shake and twist a little in my seat when they play on radio the good old Rock n Roll.

So next time I go for a ride would you like to sit beside me and together hum, sing, and even shake along with music to our hearts content?

Worry not. I don t practice reckless driving.


Is your productivity mortgaging your physical and mental well-being?

Is your achievement, if any, mortgaging all the joy and fun you so deserve?


若只用一句話介紹自己, 那麼, 呃...



In front of Stanford University, January 2011

照片 2:
Dallas Aboretum, March 2010

照片 3:
A weed is also a flower: Bluebonnets and Indian Paintbrushes

照片 4:

照片 5:
  年齡要求: 10~99歲
  身高要求: 100cm(3'4")~200cm(6'7")
  體重要求: 30kg(66lbs)~150kg(330lbs)
  學歷要求: 不拘
  個性要求: 不拘
  希望交往關係: 不拘