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篇名: 埃及海岸上的失落
作者: wayne 日期: 2020.12.08  天氣:  心情:
埃及海岸上的失落 (轉載)



Did I Lose it on the Egyptian Shore / By S.F. Chou

Did I lose it to the dream of a butterfly over two thousand years ago?

Did I lose it to the two crows in the fierce California sun
Sweeping from one palm tree to another?

Did I lose it to the ocean pounding the beach
Splitting sand particles?

Did I lose it to the rolling hills and quiet snow in Virginia?

Did I lose it raising two kids like an American flag?

Did I lose it sharing a yellow umbrella in the thick and gray Formosa rain?

Did I lose it to the shining pale skin I kissed over and over?

Did I lose it flying over the Pacific when I was twenty-four?

Did I lose it jumping out of the C119
Round as the moon, the silky military chute
Glowing and diving in the unfathomable black water
Like the silver belly of an immense trout?

Did I lose it when the friend of a friend of father’s
Was accused of spying for communist China
And shot in the back of the head?

Did I lose it when my parents fled China before I was born?

Did I lose it on the Egyptian shore when Pompey was killed by Achillas and Septimius?

The girl brings me the second coffee.
I close the book and put down a dollar and seventy-five cents.

Whatever it is,
I will willingly lose it in the steamy aroma.
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