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2007/03/24的日記 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 2007/03/26的日記
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篇名: 2007/03/25的日記
作者: wayne 日期: 2007.03.25  天氣:  心情:
%%- AP news: Cheney on Saturday accused the Democrat-led House of not supporting troops in Iraq "They're not supporting the troops," he told a gathering of the Republican Jewish Coalition at a hotel in Florida House on Friday passed a legislation that'd pay $124 billion 4 wars in Iraq & Afghanistan this year but would require that combat troops come home from Iraq b4 September 2008 Cheney called it a MYTH that "one can support the troops w/out giving them the tools & reinforcements they need 2 carry out their MISSION" He said Bush won't withdraw troops b4 there's stability in Iraq %%- 向Jews告民主黨洋狀, no wonder a Yale drop-out, 無恥 a bigger MYTH is that young Americans were sent 2 invade Iraq which had no WMD & had nothing 2 do with 911. what MISSION? stability in Iraq? when? when Bush steps down in 2008, he'd leave a big mess behind. 全民埋單, 下任政府擦屁股
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