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篇名: 2007/06/23的日記
作者: wayne 日期: 2007.06.23  天氣:  心情:

"No Contemporary Services. Old Fashioned Church Like It Used To Be."

Those are the words posted outside the big church building right across my sister's house.

Southerners in US are religious and conservative.

Here in Deep South, or Dixie as it's often referred to, at least in this particular suburb area, there's almost one church on every block. You drive for 3 minutes at 30 MPH and you see more than 5 churches of various denominations. Like I said, one, some times 2, every block, one each side of the street.

No guitars, no bands, no soul- or pop-like hymns or twisting/swaying, like in many of the church services nowadays. That'd be contemporary. Country music, though popular in South, isn't old enough to be considered "Old Fashioned" yet.

In general, Southerners are also more friendly than Northerners or people on both coasts, hence the term "Southern Hospitality".
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