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篇名: 2007/09/22的日記
作者: wayne 日期: 2007.09.22  天氣:  心情:

If you really really feel that things are going to get better for you tomorrow, next month, or anytime in the near future, there's a name for that kind of feeling...happiness.

有些人一到大峽谷, 就忙著拍照, 拍照之後還是拍照

這就像走進酒吧, 見到瑪麗蓮夢露坐在那兒, 風情萬種, 微笑著, 並邀你坐下來跟她聊聊, 你竟只顧著跟她合拍幾張照片, 作為留念或用以炫耀

簡直暴殄天物嘛, 莫名其妙, 不知所謂

------Rebel With A Cause------

G Pauli, German politician, a rebel in her own party, has challenged her party leaders as well as some traditional values.

She's suggested marriage should last only 7 years at a time and after that, couples should either agree to extend their marriage or it should be automatically dissolved.

Her idea is dismissed as "the dirt under your fingernails" by other politicians.

I think it's a bold idea worth discussing and looking into. Bravo!
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