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 wayne 的日記本
2007/12/30的日記 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 2008/01/02的日記
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篇名: 2007/12/31的日記
作者: wayne 日期: 2007.12.31  天氣:  心情:
%%- 青山依舊在, N 度夕陽紅 Tomorrow is after all, 2008. %%- Small is beautiful. Simple is beautiful. Slow is beautiful. In Praise Of Small, Simple, And Slow. %%- Order, Harmony, Peace, Creativity vs Chaos, Conflict, War, Monotony Fun vs No Fun %%- Getting more done within one's lifespan won't lengthen but rather shorten the lifespan. So what's the hurry? Unless you prefer accomplishments to longevity. But you want to be rewarded for having done more. To be rewarded so you can have a better life. If a shorter lifespan is part of the reward, wouldn't it defeat the purpose? Unless you're thinking in terms of sacrifice. But I doubt you want to sacrifice in this me, me, me world of ours. %%- 人民是君, 政府是臣 陳水扁是亂臣 軍警用來保衛亂臣 這就不"民"主了 <台灣民主共和國>? 臣主共和國啦
瀏覽次數:108    人氣指數:108    累積鼓勵:0
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2007/12/30的日記 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 2008/01/02的日記