%%- When New York Governer Spitzer announced his resignation over call-girl scandal, my sympathy went to his wife who, like all other poor wives in such situations, had to stand right next to the husband to show some support. What support? She probably hated him to the moon and back.
%%- It must be tough to be a black candidate. If too few blacks rally around him, the opposing camp may say he can't be good because, see, even his own kind doesn't support him. But if there's strong support from black voters, they'd say he'd not be where he is were he not a black.
It's like between the devil and the deep blue sea, or shall we say, black sea?
%%- How hawkish is McCain?
"This is a man who hasn't seen a country he doesn't want to bomb or invade," said Daalder, a former National Security Council aide in Clinton administration who's advised Obama in his campaign.